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SRRM2 phase separation drives assembly of nuclear speckle subcompartments

Cell Rep .. 2024-02; 
Mengjun Zhang, Zhuang Gu, Shuanghui Guo, Yingtian Sun, Suibin Ma, Shuo Yang, Jierui Guo, Chenxi Fang, Li Shu, Yifan Ge, Zhongwen Chen, Bo Wang
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Nuclear speckles (NSs) are nuclear biomolecular condensates that are postulated to form by macromolecular phase separation, although the detailed underlying forces driving NS formation remain elusive. SRRM2 and SON are 2 non-redundant scaffold proteins for NSs. How each individual protein governs assembly of the NS protein network and the functional relationship between SRRM2 and SON are largely unknown. Here, we uncover immiscible multiphases of SRRM2 and SON within NSs. SRRM2 and SON are functionally independent, specifically regulating alternative splicing of subsets of mRNA targets, respectively. We further show that SRRM2 forms multicomponent liquid phases in cells to drive NS subcompartmentalization, whic... More


CP: Cell biology; CP: Molecular biology.