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Topology, glycosylation and conformational changes in the membrane domain of the vacuolar H+-ATPase a subunit.

J Cell Biochem.. 2013-07;  114(7):1474-87
Norbert Kartner, Yeqi Yao, Ajay Bhargava, Morris F. Manolson. Faculty of Dentistry, Dental Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Published topological models of the integral membrane a subunit of the vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase complex have not been in agreement with respect to either the number of transmembrane helices within the integral membrane domain, or their limits and orientations within the lipid bilayer. In the present work we have constructed a predictive model of the membrane insertion of the yeast a subunit, Vph1p, from a consensus of seven topology prediction algorithms. The model was tested experimentally using epitope tagging, green fluorescent protein fusion, and protease accessibility analysis in purified yeast vacuoles. Results suggest that a consensus prediction of eight transmembrane helices with both the am... More
