
目录产品 » MuLV Titer p30 ELISA Kit
MuLV Titer P30 ELISA Kit

MuLV Titer P30 ELISA Kit

Typical MuLV p30 and MuLV standard curves fitted with a four-parameter logistic model. Each standard was analyzed in duplicate, with an R-squared value of 1.

MuLV Titer p30 ELISA Kit

GenScript’s MuLV Titer p30 ELISA Kit (Cat. No. L01041) is a Sandwich ELISA designed for quantitatively measuring the physical titer of Murine leukemia viruses.

Product Description Murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs) are retroviruses commonly used as gene transfer vectors in cell and gene therapy due to their capacity to integrate into the host genome. It is important to ensure the quality and consistency of MuLV particles during production by using accurate physical titer measurement techniques, such as p30 antigen detection. For purification and production of MuLVs, MuLVs titration is an essential characterization procedure for routine quality control, lot release, and purification process optimization.
GenScript MuLV Titer p30 ELISA Kit (Cat. No. L01041) is a sandwich ELISA kit that accurately and precisely measures the physical titer of MuLVs by detecting the MuLV core protein p30 during viral vector production. This kit facilitates the ease, accuracy, and reproducibility of MuLVs titration.

LLOQ 0.3125 ng/mL or 2.82E+06 VP/mL
ULOQ 5 ng/mL or 4.51E+07 VP/mL
Assay Working Ranges 0.3125 to 5 ng/mL (2.82E+06~4.51E+07 VP/mL)
Kit Contents
Component Quantity/Size Part No.
Capture Plate 1 plate X1-80
Standard Stock 1 vial (50 μL) X1-10
Detection Antibody 1 vial (12 mL) X1-20
Streptavidin-HRP 1 bottle (12 mL) X1-30
Sample Dilution Buffer 1 bottle (60 mL) X1-60
20× Wash Solution 1 bottle (60 mL) B-A1-71
Lysis Solution 1 bottle (10 mL) X1-A0
TMB Solution 1 bottle (12 mL) B-A1-40
Stop Solution 1 bottle (6 mL) B-A1-50
Plate Sealer 2 pieces /
Storage The unopened kit is stable for at least 12 months from the date of manufacture at 2°C to 8°C, and the opened kit is stable for up to 1 month from the date of opening at 2°C to 8°C.

Assay Principle MuLV Titer p30 ELISA Kit is based on the sandwich ELISA method. When standards or samples are added to the capture plate coated with anti-MuLV p30 monoclonal antibody, MuLV particles in the samples are captured on the plate. The detection antibody, also an anti-MuLV p30 monoclonal antibody conjugated with biotin, is then added to interact with the MuLV particles bound to the plate. Streptavidin-HRP is added to interact with the biotin-conjugated detection antibody. After washing steps, TMB Solution is added to the plate and color development is stopped by the addition of stop solution. Application of the Stop Solution results in the color changing from blue to yellow. The color intensity can be read at 450 nm and 650 nm by a microplate reader. The standard curve can be used to accurately quantify the amount of MuLV in the samples.
Reference 1. Renner TM, Tang VA, Burger D, Langlois MA. Intact Viral Particle Counts by Flow Virometry Insight into Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Infectivity and Genome Packaging. J Virol. 2020;94(2)
2. ICH: Q2(R2) Validation of Analytical Procedures
3. ICH: M10 Bioanalytical Method Validation and Study Sample Analysis

  • MuLV Titer P30 ELISA Kit
  • MuLV Titer P30 ELISA Kit

  • MuLV Titer P30 ELISA Kit
  • MuLV Titer P30 ELISA Kit

    Typical MuLV p30 and MuLV standard curves fitted with a four-parameter logistic model. Each standard was analyzed in duplicate, with an R-squared value of 1.

For research use only. Not intended for human and animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.






