
目录产品 » 稳定细胞系 » Human Recombinant FcRn Stable Cell Line
CHO-K1/FcRn Stable Cell Line

Figure 1. FACS analysis of cell surface expression of FcRn on CHO-K1/FcRn cells.
The CHO-K1/FcRn cells (blue) and the negative control CHO-K1 cells (red) were probed using FcRn antibody (B-8) (Cat. No. sc-271745, Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and PE conjugated Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) Antibody (Cat. No. 405307, Biolegend).

CHO-K1/FcRn Stable Cell Line

Recombinant CHO-K1 cells stably overexpress human FcRn and B2M subunits. The B2M subunits enable stable expression of FcRn in cells. Association of FcRn alpha-chain with beta (2) m is also important for IgG binding. The surface expression of FcRn is validated by FACS analysis. This cell can be used in binding assay or as an immunogen.

Product Description Recombinant CHO-K1 cells stably overexpress human FcRn and B2M subunits. The B2M subunits enable stable expression of FcRn in cells. Association of FcRn alpha-chain with beta (2) m is also important for IgG binding. The surface expression of FcRn is validated by FACS analysis. This cell can be used in binding assay or as an immunogen.
Applications Binding assay or use as immunogen

Expressed Gene Codon optimized from NM_004107 (for FcRn); AF072097 (for B2M); no expressed tags
Target Protein NP_004098.1 (for FcRn), AAD48083.1 (for B2M)
Host Cell CHO-K1
Size Two vials of frozen cells (1×106 per vial in 1 mL) 
Storage Store cells in liquid nitrogen immediately upon receipt. Thaw and recover cells within one year from the date received.
Mycoplasma Status Negative. The mycoplasma test was performed with MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit (Cat. No. LT07-318, Lonza).
Stability Stable through more than 15 passages without significant changes in assay performance or expression profile. 

Culture Properties Adherent
Freeze Medium 95% complete growth medium, 5% DMSO (Cat. No. D2650, Sigma)
Complete Growth Medium Ham’s F-12K (Kaighn’s) (Cat. No. 21127-022, Gibco), 10% FBS (Cat. No. A5669701, Gibco)
Culture Medium Ham’s F-12K (Kaighn’s), 10% FBS, 4 μg/ml Puromycin (Cat. No. A11138-03, Gibco), 200 μg/ml Hygromycin B (Cat. No. 10687010, Invitrogen)

Gene Synonyms FCGRT, alpha-chain, FcgammaRn (for FcRn), and Beta-2-Microglobulin (for B2M)
Background This gene encodes a receptor that binds the Fc region of monomeric immunoglobulin G. The encoded protein transfers immunoglobulin G antibodies from mother to fetus across the placenta. This protein also binds immunoglobulin G to protect the antibody from degradation.

  • CHO-K1/FcRn Stable Cell Line
  • CHO-K1/FcRn Stable Cell Line

    Figure 1. FACS analysis of cell surface expression of FcRn on CHO-K1/FcRn cells.
    The CHO-K1/FcRn cells (blue) and the negative control CHO-K1 cells (red) were probed using FcRn antibody (B-8) (Cat. No. sc-271745, Santa Cruz Biotechnology) and PE conjugated Goat anti-mouse IgG (minimal x-reactivity) Antibody (Cat. No. 405307, Biolegend).

For research use only. Not intended for human or animal clinical trials, therapeutic or diagnostic use.






