
目录产品 » Human Recombinant CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line
CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line

Figure 1. FACS analysis of cell surface expression of CD32A 131Arg on CHO-K1 cells.
CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg cells (red) and negative control CHO-K1 cells (blue) were probed using APC Mouse Anti-Human CD32 antibody (Cat. No. 303208, Biolegend).

CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line

Figure 2: FACS analysis of cell surface expression of CD32A 131Arg on CHO-K1 cells from different passages.
CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg cells and negative control CHO-K1 cells were probed using APC Mouse Anti-Human CD32 antibody (Cat. No. 559769, BD Biosciences). P10, P17, P22, and P27 represent cell passage numbers.

CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line

Recombinant CHO-K1 cells stably overexpress immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-a (FcγRIIa / CD32A 131Arg). The surface expression of CD32A 131Arg is validated by FACS analysis. This stable cell line product is designed for measuring binding affinity and stability of antibody based biologics binding with CD32A 131Arg. GenScript offers both CD32A 131Arg stable cell line and CD32A 131His stable cell line (Cat. No. M00589) for FcγRIIa polymorphism study.

Product Description Recombinant CHO-K1 cells stably overexpress immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-a (FcγRIIa / CD32A 131Arg). The surface expression of CD32A 131Arg is validated by FACS analysis. This stable cell line product is designed for measuring binding affinity and stability of antibody based biologics binding with CD32A 131Arg. GenScript offers both CD32A 131Arg stable cell line and CD32A 131His stable cell line (Cat. No. M00589) for FcγRIIa polymorphism study.
Applications Cell-based binding assay; use as immunogen for antibody development

Expressed Gene Codon optimized from NM_001136219.1; no expressed tags
Target Protein NP_001129691.1
Host Cell CHO-K1
Quantity 2 vials of frozen cells (>1X106 per vial in 1 ml) 
Storage Store cells in liquid nitrogen immediately upon receipt. Thaw and recover cells within one year from the date received.
Mycoplasma Status Negative. The mycoplasma test was performed with MycoAlert™ PLUS Mycoplasma Detection Kit (Cat. No. LT07-318, Lonza).

Culture Properties Adherent
Freeze Medium 95% complete growth medium, 5% DMSO (Cat. No. D2650, Sigma)
Complete Growth Medium F-12K (Cat. No. 21127-022, Gibco), 10% FBS (Cat. No. 10099-141, Gibco)
Culture Medium F-12K, 10% FBS, 8 μg/ml Puromycin (Cat. No. A11138-03, Gibco)

Gene Synonyms CD32; FCG2; FcGR; CD32A; CDw32; FCGR2; IGFR2; FCGR2A1
Background Human CD32 group consists of FcγRIIA, B and C proteins that share 94-99% amino acid identity in their extracellular domains but differ substantially in their transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. CD32A, also known as FcγRIIA, is a surface receptor protein and part of a large population of B cell co-receptors. The protein is found on phagocytic cells such as macrophages and neutrophils, and it is involved in the process of phagocytosis and clearing of immune complexes. It has low-affinity for IgG antibodies and down-regulates antibody production in the presence of IgG. This feedback loop acts to lower the production of IgG by B cells when there is a surplus in the body. Therefore, targeting CD32A may represent an approach to immunotherapy of B-cell malignancies.

  • CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line
  • CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line

    Figure 1. FACS analysis of cell surface expression of CD32A 131Arg on CHO-K1 cells.
    CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg cells (red) and negative control CHO-K1 cells (blue) were probed using APC Mouse Anti-Human CD32 antibody (Cat. No. 303208, Biolegend).

  • CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line
  • CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg Stable Cell Line

    Figure 2: FACS analysis of cell surface expression of CD32A 131Arg on CHO-K1 cells from different passages.
    CHO-K1/CD32A 131Arg cells and negative control CHO-K1 cells were probed using APC Mouse Anti-Human CD32 antibody (Cat. No. 559769, BD Biosciences). P10, P17, P22, and P27 represent cell passage numbers.






